Title: Tomorrow Author: Rotem Shahar Feedback: LaughsR@bellsouth.net Rating: PG Category: VAR Keywords: Drabble Spoilers: Existence Summary: Mulder's thoughts at the end of Existence Disclaimer: The characters of The X-Files belong to Chris Carter, 1013 and FOX. No money is being made off of these characters and no infringement is intended. Notes: Thanks to Cathey for telling me she wanted a post-ep for existence. This is for Beyond the Sea's Post Episode/Missing Scene challenge ~*~*~ I lay in bed next to her unable to sleep. My mind wanders. We have a new set of worries now with our baby to care for. One thought resonates throughout my mind. Can we keep him safe? Thinking back about all the things we've been though, the numerous times we've been injured or kidnapped, all of the deadly diseases we somehow survived…I cant, I realize, I don't know how to protect him. Remembering Samantha, thinking of Scully's abduction, her cancer, and so many other times I was unable to protect her, it frightens me that I can't save those I love. I can't believe this is happening. I never saw myself as a father. Now I'm lying next to Scully; our son in his cradle next to the bed. I wonder if I'll be able to keep this. If I'll be able to protect my family. Shifting, preparing to leave, Scully grasps my hand. Kissing it, I try to unravel our intertwined fingers. "Sleep" she commands and I can't help but smile. I kiss her cheek and try again, but her grip remains firm. "I can't" I tell her, but she doesn't let go. Without opening her eyes, she pulls me towards her. "I need to find a way to protect our son" I plead. "In the morning" she responds. "Sleep." "I can't," I tell her again. "Pretend" she says, I realize she's still sleeping, but either way it was good advice. "Tomorrow" she told me, so I listen. ~*~*~ The End.