Title: Shalom Haver: La'ila La'ila Author: Rotem Shahar Feedback: no. Spoilers: Christmas Carol, Emily, Dreamland Category: SAR Keyword: MSR, Character Death, AU, Mulder POV Disclaimer: These characters don't belong to me, they belong to Chris Carter, 1013, and FOX. No infringement is intended. Summary: Part of the Shalom Haver series which can be found at http://rosfics.tripod.com/rosfic/id10.html Notes: My dad really pisses me off sometimes. Gotta get all this...energy... out of my system. ~*~ ~*~ It's been a year. An entire year since she...Since she left me. I still think about her every day. She's an integral part of me. I can't let her memory fade. ~*~ She came to me last night. I saw her. In my dream. I was running. Running from an unknown assailant. She saved me. Even in my dreams she's my savior. She lifted me into the air and we flew away together. We ended up in an open field. Flowers were blooming. Her sister was there. She was swinging in a tire swing that was hanging from a treebranch. Emily was sitting in her lap giggling. Scully and I sat down in the midst of the flowers. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her towards me. I trailed soft kisses up and down her neck and she sighed contentedly. We were happy. Rain. It started as a drizzle, and quickly worked its way to a full blown thunder storm. Missy and Emily had vanished from sight, and Scully and I ran. I wasnt sure where we were going, but I realized I had to follow her. I knew we werent there yet, where ever there might be, but she stopped running. "Don't you ever just want to stop? Get out of the damn car? Settle down and live something approaching a normal life?" She asked me. "Yes." I told her honestly. "I do." She looked up at me, tears welling in her eyes and raindrops streaming down her face. I kissed her. When we finally broke apart I realized that it had stopped raining. The rest of the dream passed by in a haze, I dont remember much of it, all I remember is the feeling of joy, elation - Scully and I were together. ~*~ I was ready to give up that night. Give up the search for my sister and end my life. Ready to join Scully through my death. When I woke up this morning, that urge was gone, I was ready to continue my quest, my journey, and knew that I would join her when it was over. ~*~ ~*~ The End.