Title: Green and White Author: Rotem Shahar Feedback: LaughsR@prodigy.net Rating: PG Category: V Keywords: Missing Scene Spoilers: Gethsemane. Summary: What's the story? Disclaimer: The characters from The X-Files are not mine. They belong to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions and FOX. No money is being made and no infringement is intended. Notes: This was written for the After_the_Fact Gethsemane challenge. Thanks to Liz for the title! *~* 12:52 p.m. Dana Scully arrived at her mother's house and placed the groceries on the table. They were having a party and she'd insisted on helping her mother prepare. They'd split up the work, Dana cleaning and her mother cooking. *~* 2:47 p.m. The dining room and living room had been cleaned, dusted, and vacuumed, and everything was in its proper place. "How's the food coming along?" Dana asked her mother as she placed a tablecloth on the dining room table. "It just has to cook now. It'll be ready by the time everyone gets here," Maggie assured her daughter. "Anything else I can do?" "I've got it covered, Dana. Why don't you go rest a bit?" Dana sighed. "All right. I'm going to go take a nap and then shower before everyone gets here." "Sweet dreams." Dana yawned as she made her way to the bedroom. *~* 4:23 p.m. Dana had just finished getting dressed when the doorbell rang. 'Whoever that is, they're just a bit early.' She mused as she walked down the stairs. "I'll get it!" she called to her mother. She opened the door. "Dana?" the man at the door asked. "Is that you?" "Shawn?" she asked, moving away from the door, letting him inside. "I haven't seen you in ages!" he exclaimed, pulling her into a hug. "It's good to see you again. How have you been?" They walked into the living room and sat on the couch. "Good, I've been good. How are you doing, Dana?" he asked in a tone of voice that told her he knew more than he was saying. She wondered what her mother had told him. "I'm fine," she shrugged. Maggie walked out of the kitchen upon hearing her daughter talking to someone. "Shawn! I'm glad you could make it." "So am I," he stated, kissing her on the cheek. The doorbell rang again and Dana excused herself and went to answer it. For the next half-hour Dana and her mother stood at the door greeting people and mingling. *~* "I'm going to go check on the food," Maggie told her daughter as she walked into the kitchen, leaving Dana to entertain a small group of people. When the doorbell rang a few minutes later, Dana gladly excused herself from the conversation and went to see who it was. She had thought everyone had arrived and they were just waiting for the food to be ready. "Dana!" the person squealed when they saw who opened the door. "Lora!" Dana replied, hugging her friend. "Where'd you disappear to? I tried calling you and it said that your phone was disconnected," she stated as they walked inside. "Yeah, I didn't pay my phone bill on time so they disconnected it until they got the check. The phone should be working again now." They continued to talk and catch up on everything that happened since they last spoke, when their conversation drifted to Charlie. "How is Charlie anyway? Last I heard he'd fallen down the stairs and broke his arm." "Oh, he's fine now. His cast was removed two weeks ago and his arm feels fine." "Where is he?" Lora asked. "He couldn't make it," Dana shrugged, not allowing herself to show how much she missed her little brother. "You know what I thought of when he first told me he'd fallen down the stairs?" Lora shrugged, waiting for Dana to continue. "When we were little, I was always tormenting him. I took his newest toy - it was a green and white truck with flashing lights - and hid it under my bed. When he couldn't find it he asked me if I knew where it was. I told him I didn't but he knew I was lying. He ran into my room and started searching, so I ran and took it out from under my bed before he checked there. He saw me taking it and I ran. He chased me around the house, yelling at the top of his lungs. When mom finally came to see what was going on, she made me give him back the truck. So, I was on my way downstairs to get something to drink, when Charlie called my name. I turned around on time to see him hurl the truck at me. I ducked and it flew down the stairs; Charlie ran to catch it, but I hadn't gotten up yet so he toppled over me and down the stairs," Dana finished, chuckling. She caught the tail end of her mother's conversation. "Speaking of Bill, is he coming?" she asked. The door opened revealing Bill, standing with his bags outside. "There he is," Maggie said, going over to greet him. *~* The End.